5 Bad Things If You Are Lazy to Exercise

Health Care Insurance - Many people say that if exercise can indeed make the body healthy. This is indeed true because during regular exercise of course the body will feel fit and fit. And vice versa, when you are lazy to exercise and never move your body, then the following five things you will get!

1. Syndrome Insomnia

When you rarely exercise then don't be surprised if you will tend to have trouble sleeping. This is because when you exercise your body tends to release the relaxation hormone and this hormone will make you fall asleep and avoid insomnia. Therefore, do not be lazy to exercise so that your sleep is better quality and not awake at night.

2. Easily exposed to osteoporosis

The more age, of course, bone density will decrease. So do not be surprised when you get old you will get osteoporosis if bone health is not maintained early on. Bone health can be maintained until old age if you are diligent in exercising and of course balance it with calcium intake.

3. Exposed to weak muscles

Lack of exercise can make your muscles weaken. Usually this will be felt when you walk a little and your muscles already feel tired. This is because you rarely use your body muscles so surely your body's strength will decrease. Therefore this is where the importance of exercise so that your muscle strength continues to run well.

4. Easily Affected by Stress

When you exercise usually the levels of the serotonin hormone will increase and make you avoid stress. And vice versa, when you rarely exercise you will be prone to depression because the levels of the hormone serotonin which is responsible for your happiness decreases. Gosh, when you do this, you feel the importance of exercise for your body!

5. Metabolism The body becomes slow

The last disadvantage you will get when you are lazy to exercise is that your metabolism is slowing down. Of course, this unbalanced body metabolism will increase the risk of various diseases dangerous to the body. Then it is quite possible your body will experience dangerous complications if it's like this.

Therefore let us to always be diligent in exercising every day, a minimum of 15 minutes of walking every day is much better.

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Source: https://www.healthzia.net/


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